Thursday, August 25, 2011


Theory of Creation of the Universe as stated by Scientists are increasingly becoming un sustainable . They have no answer to what gives an elementary particle its mass . They have postulated God particle as the one awarding mass to other particles but who gives mass to God particle ? This God particle or Higgs Boson particle has not been found experimentally , even with the help of massive particle accelerator (Hadron Collidor) situated in Cern ,at the border of France and Switzerland, installed at a huge cost by European Organisation of Nuclear Research for the very purpose of finding this particle by simulating conditions that occured immediately after creation of this Universe .The particle has eluded the scientists so far and we who believe in the theory propounded by Srimad Bhagavatam know that it will ever be elusive . If the Higgs Boson particle's existence cannot be established then the 'Standard Model' as the basic theory is called will completely fall through and there will be complete chaos , which means scientists will have no basis to argue their case and a completely new theory has to be found out to explain the observed phenomema of sub atomic particles in nuclear physics .

What could be the reason of such big failure of material science ?

One main reason is, material science does not make distinction between consciouness and inert matter . In other words scientists say that consciousness is generated by particular arrangement of material objects although they are unable to produce a simple blade of grass or a grain of wheat in the laboratory without help of life force . What even a common man can easily understand , scientists are completely blind to it .The real fact is Life comes from Life and it can neither be created nor can it be destroyed . We get full description of Life from Bhagavad Gita and to understand that one has to accept Atma and Paramatma which are existing within a material body and thus giving it Life , as we call it . Once Atma leaves the body no amount of scientific paraphernalia can bring back life to the dead body .In fact by denying existence of Life force as completely different and independent of material science, scientists are actually cheating people .Scientists' contribution in applied science has to be acknowledged but when they talk about creation of this universe with their faulty knowledge which has no basis at all, they only make a fool of themselves .

As per scriptures we find there are two worlds-- viz Spiritual and material . Spiritual world consists of things which have sense of existence as a living being (Sat) , All cognizant (Cit) and full of bliss ( Ananda) , where as material world consists of dull inert matter which are unable to do anything without intervention of some conscious being . In our original identity we are spirit souls and belong to the Spiritual world , where as our body belongs to the material world .Whenever any movement or transformation takes place we have to understand that it is happening due to intervention of some conscious particle , so to say .Creation and destruction are described as manifested and unmanifested form of some eternal thing .Spiritual world never becomes unmanifest and therefore it is eternally present , whereas material world is periodically manifested and un manifested corresponding to creation and destruction .Therefore material world is temporary but not unreal as some philosophers some times say . However , it is not really real either . An example will clear up the matter . If we see reflection of an object in a mirror the reflection is temporary as it lasts so long as the original object is situated before the mirror , but it cannot be called un real or illusion because it does exist .Similarly material world is a reflection of the spiritual world .

One more example about the material world will show its true nature . There are some movies (like 3D movies) which are to be viewed by wearing a spectacle.Then only the pictures become life like and we seem to belong into a new world and consider ourselves to be a part of the surrounding created by these pictures .Similarly to view the circus of this material world one has to forget his true identity as a spirit soul and must think his material body to be his true identuty .This is called "Ahankar" Because of Ahankar we consider ourselves matter and thus subject to the forces of material nature . Material world is controlled by the external energy of The Lord and is characterised by three modes "Sattva" (Mode of goodness) , Raja (Mode of passion) and Tama(Mode of ignorance). This is corroborated by the verse of Gita viz . "Mayadhyakshena Prakriti Suyate sa caracaram " which means God says the material world is controlled by prakriti or Nature under my guidance . This Nature is Devi Durga who acts under strict guidance of The Lord .I am quoting from Brahma Samhita in this connection as follows

srishti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka

chayeva yasya bhuvanani bibharti durga

icchanurupam api yasya ca ceshtate sa

govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami


srishti -- creation; sthiti -- preservation; pralaya -- and destruction; sadhana -- the agency; saktih -- potency; eka -- one; chaya -- the shadow; iva -- like; yasya -- of whom; bhuvanani -- the mundane world; bibharti -- maintains; durga -- Durga; iccha -- the will; anurupam -- in accordance with; api -- certainly; yasya -- of whom; ca -- and; ceshtate -- conducts herself; sa -- she; govindam -- Govinda; adi-purusham -- the original person; tam -- Him; aham -- I; bhajami -- worship.


The external potency Maya who is of the nature of the shadow of the cit potency, is worshiped by all people as Durga, the creating, preserving and destroying agency of this mundane world. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda in accordance with whose will Durga conducts herself.
In the spiritual world there is only one mode called "Suddha Sattva" (mode of Pure goodness which is beyond this material world )

The circus of material world is dependent on Ahankara ( considering body as one's own self). Only when Ahankar is there the three modes of nature acts upon it as operators .When one is situated in his spiritual identity as soul, material nature cannot have any effect on it . That is why Gita says Soul has no birth , no death , un perishable and cannot be cut by weapons , or soaked by water etc. (" Dehin Asmin Yatha Dehe ....."). With this basic knowledge I will try to explain theory of creation as per scriptures , as I have understood .

Before creation the entire matter of the Universe together with total consciousness who are destined to be sent to the material world remain in unmanifested form within a substance called "Mahat Tattva". This thing lies like a piece of cloud in the spiritual sky .At the time of creation the entire matter and entire spirit or consciousness is sent to the realm of Durga or material nature by a glance of The Supreme Lord Govinda . The first thing that happens then is , spirit souls get their consciousness covered by Ahankara , or bodily concept of existence .Mahat Tattva itself is in Suddha Sattva stage as it came from the spiritual world and part of it goes to make the mind of every living being .By the action of Sattva Guna ( Mode of goodness) on Mahat Tattva intelligence is developed . By action of Raja Guna ( Mode of passion ) on Mahat Tattva the basic elements get progressively manifested from finer to gross matter .The sequence is like this :
From the monosyllablic Spiritual Sound (Sabda) "OM", Sky (very fine matter) is manifested
With the introduction of touch(Sparsha) sensation Air appeared
With the introduction of concept of Form (Roop) Fire appeared
With the introduction of taste (Rasa) water appaered
With the introduction of olefactory senses (Gandha)Earth appeared

It will be observed that all the later elements have all the qualities of previous elements plus one more ; like water has the quality of sound touch and form like previous elements plus Rasa which is special to itself .

We shall now count how many objects we have got by such transformation. Thease are

1 Mahat Tatva
2 Ahankara (false ego)
3 Buddhi ( Intelligence)
4 Mana (Mind)
5 to 9 Sense objects (Sound,Touch, Form,Taste and Smell )
10 to 14 Knowledge acquiring senses (Ear , Skin , Eye , Tongue and Nose )
15 to 19 Working senses ( Mouth ,Hands, Legs , Anus and genital)
20 to 24 Five main elements of nature Kshiti ( all solid) , Ap ( water but all liquid in greater sense) , Teja ( Fire and electricity) Marut (Air and all gaseous substance in greater sense ) Byom ( Field of energy)

So there are altogether 24 elements and if the spirit soul(which is the enjoyer) is added it becomes 25 . This enumeration is part of Sankhya Philosophy . The name Sankhya means numeric .Since the entire world is numerically divided into 25 elements it is called Sankhya Philsophy . Sankhya Philosophy is called aethistic as it has no place for The Lord or the creator . So vaisnavas add one more element viz. Super soul
or Param Atma (The Lord) to make the number 26 .

Now let us discuss in short what are the modes of nature ?
Sattva Guna ( Mode of Goodness) : Its symptoms are:Highly Intelligent, Peaceful , Profound , Eagernes to acquire knowledge ,prefers vegetarian food, Broad Minded , Forgiveness, Kindness ,Sacrifice and renunciation ,Believer in God etc

Rajo Guna (Mode of Passion ) Its symptoms are: Medium Intelligence, Interested to enjoy the World , Proud ,Conquerer , Achiever , Full of Energy , Spiteful to enemies ,Wants to take tasteful food including meat and wine, Wants to acquire money , Bestows justice to all like a king ,Believer in God but not much urge for it

Tamo Guna(Mode of Ignorance) Its symptoms are : Low Intelligence, Covered consciousness, Under spell of drug or intoxicant , drowsy , no urge to do work,aethist,wants to eat rotten or decomposed food with bad smell, cruel,cowardly etc.

Because of past karma ( previuos action) living beings are under influence of these three modes of nature in different degrees .

Alongwith Ahankar or bodily concept of life comes the concept of space and time, mass etc .According to Scientific theory things are good so far as classical Physics is concerned , but as we delve into the depths of nucleus we face so many problems to answer . There is no common base to hold all the experimental results together . This is happening for the simple fact that the scientists are viewing the whole universe to be a big machine which is running following some hard and fast rule . But no one programme can answer all the events and different models are becoming necessary to explain the happenings . Things have come to such a pass that the very credibility of Scientific basis is in question .For example what is mass ?There are two answers First :mass is a measre of the quantity of matter in a body . It may be understood as the quantity of atomic nuclei(since they contain bulk of the mass of atom )in a given volume of substance .In turn, the mass of the nucleus may be interpreted as the quantity of nuclear particles, protons and neutrons .

But then what is the mass of a Proton ? Is it ameasure of the quantity of matter in it ? What measure ? What matter ? The very concept of measure indicates that some thing can be broken down to smaller fractions. But assuming Proton is not further divisible we cannot answer what the matter in proton is like .
When we say mass of proton is approximately 10^-24 gms , we only mean that one gram of substance contains roughly 10^24 protons. Thus to define mass as a measure of substance for protons and other micro particles is rather meaningless .

As to the second definition of mass which is : Mass is a measure of inertia of a body , it means it is a measure of resistance the body offers to any change of state .In the most elementary case mass determines the resistance of a body to any alteration in its position in space .
Then perhaps we should understand the mass of a proton as a measure of reluctance as it were to be set into motion by forces due to other particles . This definition is not satisfactory either. Forces represent interaction , in the final analysis in the action of a field . When a proton increases its speed it acquires extra mass from the field ., when its speed diminishes it returns the mass into the field .Small as these portions of lost or acquired mass may be they do exist. Hence mass is a variable quantity and thus loses its property of a definite measure .
Thus we find in the micro world that mass itself has to be measred with something else. In our case the mass of the proton , in accordance with the equations of relativistic theory is determined by the rest mass of the proton and the ratio of its velocity of motion to the velocity of light .
There seems to be a ray of hope . Rest mass is indeed an invariable quantity for a given type of particle .If it is changed the particle changes . Does it not then follow that rest mass is also a measre of inertia ?
But if it is so then rest mass becomes a measure of qualitative stability of particles . On the present view particles experience actual transformations as also virtual transformation s that underlie their inter actions .Thus mass acquires yet another aspect in determining the energy of the virtual quanta of the fields .Thus mass becomes a determining factor in all interaction of the particle . This makes definition of mass very complicated .Thus we come to the two basic forms of matter: substance and the field .Particles of substance possess the properties of the field and Field quanta have material properties .
Now which is the most fundamental substance or the field ?
In my understanding unmanifested matter -- Mahat tattva first converted into field which is the store house of energy .This field is unitary universal field in all its multifarious manifestations .This field then generated particles like blobs in the fields .
As to the matter it may be said that as per scripture Lord Balaram in His expansion as Vishnu form entered into every atoms and molecules and gave them their respective strength or potency .. I understand this potency to be the rest mass of a particle or in other words mass is attributed to a substance by Lord Himself who is not a product of this material world . I quote a relevant portion from Brahma Samhita as follows

eko 'py asau racayitum jagad-anda-kotim

yac-chaktir asti jagad-anda-caya yad-antah


govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami


ekah -- one; api -- although; asau -- He; racayitum -- to create; jagat-anda -- of universes; kotim -- millions; yat -- whose; saktih -- potency; asti -- there is; jagat-anda-cayah -- all the universes; yat-antah -- within whom; anda-antara-stha -- which are scattered throughout the universe; parama-anu-caya -- the atoms; antara-stham -- situated within; govindam -- Govinda; adi-purusham -- the original person; tam -- Him; aham -- I; bhajami -- worship.


He is an undifferentiated entity as there is no distinction between potency and the possessor thereof. In His work of creation of millions of worlds, His potency remains inseparable. All the universes exist in Him and He is present in His fullness in every one of the atoms that are scattered throughout the universe, at one and the same time. Such is the primeval Lord whom I adore.

Therefore however much the scientists may try to find out God particle by Super particle accelerator in Cern or elsewhere with still greater accelerator they will never find it because it is God Himself who is attributing mass to the paticles and since He is beyond the material world He can never be found with any type of experiment .Time has come when scientists must accept consciousness and its source as some entities which must be taken into consideration before any further progress as regards Creation of Universe is made . Otherwise they will always run after some elusive particles with some weird theory which defies the obvious and thus will spend a great deal of money and resources for nothing .

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